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Economic Indexes and Charts

Ethos Coincident Economic Index, Ethos Leading Economic Index & Ethos Recession Probability

The analysis is based on the academic work which can be accessed here .

These indexes summarize the economic and financial conditions for the Turkish economy, utilizing a rich dataset that incorporates macroeconomic and financial indicators. The analysis is based on the academic work which can be accessed here.

Financial stability can be perceived as a pre-condition for economic growth.  Exploiting the interaction between the economic and financial indicator indices, recession probabilities for the Turkish economy in the near feature are computed. The analysis is based on the academic work which can be accessed here.

This figure plots weekly Ethos Economic Policy Uncertainty index from January 1, 2013 to September 30, 2022. This figure tracks the evolution of economic policy uncertainty for Turkey by capturing significant political, economic, and financial developments. Higher values of the index correspond to more uncertainty in economic policy. The analysis is based on the academic work which can be accessed here.


Monitoring business activity for anticipating economic downturns and uncertainty in a timely manner is of key importance for economic units and decision makers. The indicators that we construct using modern econometric techniques and exploiting big datasets shed light on current economic stance and future.

Ethos Economic Policy Uncertainty Index

The analysis is based on the academic work which can be accessed here .

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